Lantern Parade (Lismore, 26 June 2010)
Christine and Douglas Kesteven had a great time at their Lantern Parade stall. They were in the perfect position: close enough to the band stage to see all the acts; far enough away to hear the customers (just!); and next to the Mayfields Restaurant (Dunoon) stall (where Kristen, Terry, Scott and co. also did a roaring trade).
There were “guest selling appearances” by Chris and John of Jagera (Whian Whian jaboticaba growers), Mark Whinton (The Channon), Nathan and Jessica. Customers were most interested in the local drops: Jaboticaba*, Chambourcin and Limoncello, although stocks of all the wines plus the lime cordial now need to be replenished….
Thanks to all who visited the stall!
*Three visitors from Brazil particularly enjoyed this one.